Open AI Summary

According to these documents from the CIA's Stargate program, there is information about a possible surface transfer involving a vessel. The transfer is expected to occur south of Jamaica within the next two to three days. The specific location of the transfer is given as 1655N 7745W. Multiple vessels are said to be involved, including a "night trawler" and one or more vessels in a security role. The transfer is scheduled to occur at 1730N 7800W on June 30 between 2230 and 2400 hrs. There is also mention of contraband being offloaded at Jamaica and the involvement of the vessel heading south toward Venezuela. The documents provide descriptions of the vessels and some associated names.


Body:  Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900090005-9
 Tasi er JT4043
 SG1 B
 Description: The                                is possibly involved in a surface
 transfer to occur south o  amaica near           some time within the next two to
 three days. Other associated C/S may b                 (not specifically identified).
 SG1 B
 1.  Locate th
 2. Will a surface transfer occur?
 3. If yes, where and when?
 4. Describe any associated names, vessels, people, etc.
 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900090005-9
 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900090005-9
 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900090005-9
 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900090005-9
 Feedback on JT4-043 29 June 90
 OOC: The vessel will be involved in a surface transfer at location 1655N 7745W. Some
 of the contraband may be offloaded at Jamaica.
 SG1B  OOE: At 291430 June,          is at 16N 7845W. It is heading NW but will change
 its heading to E or NE to rear   a ransfer point. A surface transfer will occur. Several
 vessels are involved; one is a "night trawler". One or more vessels are involved in a
 security role. Contraband is lowered downward. Transfer will occur at 1730N 7800W on
 30 June between 2230 and 2400 hrs.
 Approved For Release 2000/08/08  CIA-RDP96-00789R000900090005-9
 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900090005-9
 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900090005-9
 ru.ln~:.e~..~7     C CAISANIEI
 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900090005-9
 Feedback on JT4-0034-90 261345L Jun 90
 OOC:  261130L Jun 90   SG1 B
 The           is currently located at 1230N 7630W.  Some or all of the
 contraband will be offloaded just south of Jamaica (at 1745N 77W).
 OOE: 261230L Jun 90
 The vessel is currently located at 1540N 7030W, heading WSW.
 AD F?= 2,(f oLJun, CPO
 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900090005-9
 SG1 B
 SG1 B
 SG1 B
 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900090005-9
 Feedback on JT4-043 (034)(Follow up) 02 Jul 90  SG1 B
 The transfer of
 contra Dana  s or will a e within a 3-24 hour time period at 17 50 N/75 30 W. The
 is sailing south toward Venezuela.
 SG1 B
 OOF: 021230L Jul 90
 M is a sleek, well-kept vessel, mainly white in color which is reminiscent of an
 very, expensive yacht. Its name is in block style gold-letters in an arch across the stern.
 The name is 6-7 letters and appears to be "C or K ANTI_ _" /"CANTIS"/CANDICE" P'.
 Another word begining with "M 0" is written horizontally across the stern below the arch.
 The term "REY" or letters "R E Y" are somehow associated with the vessel or the second
 word. At 02 0900Z Jul 90, the Mand two other vessels were converging toward each
 other. The     was in radio contact with another vessel. The characters "Y" and "7"
 were used during this procedure. Of the vessels converging together, one was a large
 commercial ship with a dark hull with light colored lettering and white superstructure. It
 was similar in shape to a small tanker. It had a narrow "bridge" and "pole-like" objects
 projecting from the deck (see sketch). The word "CAN USO"/"CANOSO"/"CANTOSA" is
 associated with this vessel. As the ships converged together small,high-speed, 1-2
 person boats travelled between the tanker-like vessel and the~nd from the tanker-
 like vessel to the third vessel. Movement of contraband was mainly from the tanker-like
 vessel to the with a lesser amount going to the third vessel.
 SG1 B
 SG1 B
 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900090005-9